How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Enterprise Workplace

Artificial Intelligence Solutions is being increasingly seen as a competitive advantage and is gradually making inroads in enterprises as corporate dealers and IT decision makers absorb and understand the benefits AI brings to security, employee work satisfaction, productivity, and digital transformation. Companies that are tailing behind in adopting AI run the risk of losing to fast-paced competitors, after all, time is of essence in innovation and Artificial Intelligence is happening now and is here to stay.

Understanding AI

Oxford Dictionary defines Artificial Intelligence as – The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

Not as much excitement has been generated by technology as much as the buzz created by AI software. With the internet and press posing it as a threat, Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO in his recent book ‘Hit Refresh’ has stated that ‘Advances in artificial intelligence should be used to help humans and machines work together, rather than to create competition between them in everything from chess matches to the job market’ and mentioned in an interview that “The first choices we get to make our choices around the design of AI, and let’s make that first design choice to augment human capability,” instead of finding ways to replace people with technology.

An overview

AI Business Applications can definitely be about simulating human intelligence by including traits like perception, problem-solving, future planning and reasoning, but at its core, it is about the development and execution of methods of transforming vast complex and unstructured data into intelligent insights. Combining the key elements of artificial intelligence (cognitive computing, natural language processing, machine learning, and sentiment analysis) with effective real-time data management will make the aforementioned statement possible. Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Applications can rapidly automate processes especially those that involve going through data and drawing conclusions instead of the time consuming and often inaccurate and manual process of doing it.

AI in the workspace enterprise

AI is on the verge of transforming the office space by changing the way employees are hired, how the best ones are retained, how their productivity is enhanced and much more. The application of AI at workplace aims at systemizing the processes that are often driven by instinct through an analysis of vast data combined with a search for patterns. These AIs are designed to learn from experience to get a better idea of what managers want. Some changes to follow are:

·         A culture and paradigm shift

Leading organizations are experiencing a culture shift being helmed by executives who realize that the digital transformation triggered by AI is changing the competitive landscape and shifting expectations with customers that are changing virtually all sides of how we operate. The biggest shift is how we view, value and monetize information, which has been made possible through data-driven decision-making.

·         Revamping of existing employee roles & addition of new ones

AI has also ushered in the profile of Data Influencers who work as dedicated collaborators to churn and make data-driven insights more across an organization. AI is basically making analytics more efficient in the workplace. Organizations are also now increasingly sharing data externally with customers, suppliers, regulators, and other stakeholders. Research has shown that innovation is more prevalent in such organizations.

A new dimension has been added to the role of employees because of AI; many work profiles are now majorly focused on managing and implementing strategic initiatives while analytic tools automate and scale data for better and quicker decision making.

·         Enhanced workforce capability rooted in complex data

AI capabilities can range from implementing image recognition to analyzing consumer spending behavior. It is significant to understand that the most smallest changes to get more focused insights into trends and patterns to allow AI capabilities to draw big results from complex data.

As big companies increasingly outsource their processes to machines, the unskilled labor percentage is set to go down and a rise in qualified specialists for the missing areas will be seen. And for those who don’t understand why machines make certain decisions, there is now a surge in artificial intelligence algorithms (the result of research funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) that can clearly explain themselves and their conclusions.

·         Open cloud processing

Another major change to note is the bustling cloud infrastructure of corporate giants which is available for anyone to employ and experiment with machine learning for a negligible cost compared to the millions of dollars and years taken by researchers in early 2000s. It is an open opportunity and a pool of talent driving more achievements in the field.

Organizations are already investing in AI, 60% of IT decision makers surveyed say that they already have AI-powered solutions in place and 40% said they are planning to invest in them in the next two years.

77% say they have prevented more security breaches after the usage of AI-powered tools and 78% have stated that AI technology has found threats that were undetected by humans.

80% of managers believe that teams using AI have become more productive, while 81% is of the opinion that AI is indispensable for a company’s digital transformation and will lead to more meaningful work for employees (stats from a survey conducted by Market Cube on behalf of Cylance). AI is set to be a positive force in the enterprise.

Summing up

Users are always pushing mobile app developers to create seamless experiences. They always seek product and services that fulfill their demand with immersive technologies. To fulfill customer needs Artificial Intelligence Solutions Development companies started implementing AI in their software development process. If you are looking for Artificial Intelligence software development agency, you can contact Consagous, as we have an amazing team of developers which can transform your dream into a live project.
